Collection: Public employees
Description: Public disclosure of Portland OR wage information for calendar year 2019. Obtained by public records request, 2020.
Some of the records requested are exempt from disclosure and have been redacted. Employees have claimed the following exemption to disclosure: ORS 181A.825(02) information regarding employee assigned undercover investigative duties. These employees are identified as Employee 1, Employee 2, and so on in the report. Below you'll find the definitions for each of the salary tabs in the next spreadsheet. •Regular gross – regular salary, hourly pay “base rate”
•Prior period gross – regular salary, hourly pay “base rate” retro-active $ amount
•Adj reg gross – calculated regular salary, hourly pay “base rate” to include prior period gross adjustments
•Overtime gross – overtime
•Other earnings – premium pays based on union contracts, sick time, vacation time, comp time
•Imputed income – Amounts of benefits that are taxable but not cash earnings, they are added into earnings, taxed, and taken back out as an after-tax deduction…examples are Short-Term Disability (STD), Long-Term Disability (LTD), Domestic Partner taxable benefit amount